Scholarly Resources

Publications 3691
Patents 6
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Bronze OA
  • Journal Articles1389
  • Conference / In Proceedings2004
  • Books / Chapters112
  • Other186

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Top ten Profiles

Prof Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava Professor (HAG)
Prof Sanjit Krishnan Kaul Associate Professor
Dr Angshul Majumdar Associate Professor
Prof DK Sharma Visiting Faculty
Prof J. V. Meenakshi Professor
Dr Tarini Shankar Ghosh Assistant Professor
Dr N. Arul Murugan Associate Professor
Prof Pushpendra Singh Professor
Dr Rajiv Ratn Shah Assistant Professor
Prof Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava Professor (HAG)
Dr Angshul Majumdar Associate Professor
Prof Pushpendra Singh Professor
Prof DK Sharma Visiting Faculty
Prof Vivek A Bohara Professor
Dr Rajiv Ratn Shah Assistant Professor
Dr Mukesh Mohania Professor
Dr Anand Srivastava Professor
Dr N. Arul Murugan Associate Professor


Age of Information: An Introduction and Survey...

Author: Roy D. Yates ., Yin Sun ., D. Richard Brown ., Sanjit K. Kaul ., Eytan Modiano ., Sennur Ulukus .,

Status updates through queues...

Author: Kaul, Sanjit K.;Yates, Roy D.;Gruteser, Marco

NILMTK: An open source toolkit for non-intrusive l...

Author: Batra N.;Kelly J.;Parson O.;Dutta H.;Knottenbelt W.;Rogers A.;Singh A.;Srivastava M.

Who falls for phish? A demographic analysis of phi...

Author: Sheng, Steve;Holbrook, Mandy;Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam;Cranor, Lorrie Faith;Downs, Julie

SpotFake: A multi-modal framework for fake news de...

Author: Singhal S.;Shah R.R.;Chakraborty T.;Kumaraguru P.;Satoh S.